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fractions simplifier
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Author Message


Registered: 20.06.2005
From: Spain

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 10:38    

Heya peeps ! Is anyone here know about fractions simplifier? I have this set of problems regarding it that I can’t figure it out . Our class was asked to answer it and know how we came up with the answer . Our Algebra teacher will select random people to solve it as well as show solutions to class so I require detailed explanation regarding fractions simplifier. I tried solving some of the questions but I guess I got it completely wrong . Please help me because it’s a bit urgent and the due date is quite close already and I haven’t yet understood how to solve this.
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Registered: 11.03.2004
From: Netherlands

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 08:30    

You are right , there are programs that can help you with study . I think there are several ones that help you solve math problems, but I believe that Algebrator stands out amongst them. I used the software when I was a student in Basic Math for helping me with fractions simplifier, and it never failed me since then. Step by step I understood all the topics, and after a while I was able to solve the most difficult of the tests without the program. Don't worry; you won't have any problem using it. It was meant for students, so it's simple to use. Basically you just have to type in the topic that's all .Of course you should use it to learn algebra, not just copy the results, because you won't improve that way.
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Registered: 10.07.2002
From: NW AR, USA

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 09:07    

Algebrator is a very easy tool. I have been using it for a long time now.
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Registered: 08.07.2001

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 19:05    

Algebrator is the program that I have used through several algebra classes - Intermediate algebra, Pre Algebra and Pre Algebra. It is a really a great piece of math software. I remember of going through difficulties with logarithms, trinomials and factoring expressions. I would simply type in a problem homework, click on Solve – and step by step solution to my math homework. I highly recommend the program.
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