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types of triangles for primary school mathematics
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Author Message


Registered: 18.10.2005

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 11:00    

Hi math lovers , I heard that there are various programs that can help with us studying ,like a teacher substitute. Is this really true? Is there a software that can help me with math? I have never tried one before , but they are probably not hard to use I think . If anyone has such a software , I would really appreciate some more detail about it. I'm in Remedial Algebra now, so I've been studying things like types of triangles for primary school mathematics and it's not easy at all.
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Registered: 21.03.2005
From: Prague, Czech Republic

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 10:16    

Due to health reasons you may have not been able to attend a few lectures at school, but what if I can you can have your own little classroom , in the place where you live? In fact, right on the laptop that you are working on? Each one of us has missed some lectures at some point or the other during our life, but thanks to Algebrator I’ve never missed much. Just like an instructor would explain in the class, Algebrator solves our problems and gives us a detailed description of how it was answered. I used it basically to get some help on types of triangles for primary school mathematics and side-side-side similarity. But it works well for all the topics.
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Registered: 08.07.2001

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 11:15    

I allow my son to use that program Algebrator because I think it can effectively help him in his algebra problems. It’s been a long time since they first used that software and it did not only help him short-term but I noticed it helped in improving his solving capabilities. The software helped him how to solve rather than helped them just to answer. It’s great !
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Registered: 10.03.2003
From: Slovenia

Posted: Wednesday 08th of Aug 14:11    

A great piece of math software is Algebrator. Even I faced similar difficulties while solving hypotenuse-leg similarity, factoring polynomials and graphing lines. Just by typing in the problem from homework and clicking on Solve – and step by step solution to my algebra homework would be ready. I have used it through several math classes - Pre Algebra, Pre Algebra and Basic Math. I highly recommend the program.
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